APIs & Integrations


Internal Server Error When Calling Hubspot API

Hi team,


I would like to get all engagements from Hubspot. However, I got the following error message:



---- request ----
GET api.hubapi.com/engagements/v1/engagements/paged?limit=250&offset=380972318&hapikey=redacted, [timeout=<class 'int'>]

---- body ----
<class 'NoneType'>

---- headers ----
<class 'dict'>

---- result ----
<class 'int'>

---- body -----
{"status":"error","message":"internal error","correlationId":"40bb141f-14fc-4ac9-b035-37afe8b3fcd7"}

---- headers -----
<class 'http.client.HTTPMessage'>

---- reason ----
Internal Server Error



I guess it may be a 500 error but I would like to confirm and hopefully get some supports on this one.


I have retried many times but it did not work well.


Thank you, guys.

2 Replies 2
HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Internal Server Error When Calling Hubspot API

Hey @mz2692,


I was able to send the GET request just fine. I received a 200 response.


In this case, could you try and see if you're still getting a 500 error?


Additionally, while I have redacted your hapikey key, I'd highly recommend you to regenereate your hapikey key since it has been surfaced on the public forum for days. Moving forward, please avoid sharing your API key on the public forums. Thank you!



Internal Server Error When Calling Hubspot API

Thanks. After trying many times, it finally worked.