But it started to get redirected to original source website https://adventure.ziflow.com/ with no real reason. Devops team is saying thay they did not change anything in a proxy setup nor did I (Hubspot developer). Domain settings stayed the same for a long time. They say that this is Hubspot that make this redirection.
They have also sent me an error log of what's the issue - Cloudflare is forcing the page to redirect, meaning Hubspot. Is there any way to set it up so the https://adventure.ziflow.io/ is served correctly with no redirection?
I changed some of the long chains of characters for the security reasons. I would really appreciate any hint about this. My devops team also said they were using this manual to handle this https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/cms/developer-reference/reverse-proxy-support and it didn't help. There might have been something on Hubspot system that has recently changed and maybe denying access to that proxy.
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