APIs & Integrations


Hubspot User experience


What is the User experience from hubspot when user reaching API rate limit of Hubspot

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Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Elite
Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Elite

Hubspot User experience


Hi @Saikumar12 ,


This will be the response for whatever is making the call to the HubSpot API. So if you have a script that is making a call, the response to that script would be the above body. How it is shown in the browser depends on how you handle the response.
If you have a script that runs in the client (browser), you can inspect the page and check the network tab to inspect the call and also the response.

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3 Respostas 3
Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Elite
Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Elite

Hubspot User experience


Hi @Saikumar12 ,


This will be the response for whatever is making the call to the HubSpot API. So if you have a script that is making a call, the response to that script would be the above body. How it is shown in the browser depends on how you handle the response.
If you have a script that runs in the client (browser), you can inspect the page and check the network tab to inspect the call and also the response.

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Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Elite
Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Elite

Hubspot User experience


Hi  @Saikumar12 , 


You can check this documentation, it states the following:


Any app or integration exceeding its rate limits will receive a 429 error response for all subsequent API calls. Requests resulting in an error response shouldn’t exceed 5% of your total daily requests. If you plan on listing your app in our App Marketplace, it must stay under this 5% limit to be certified.

the 429 response will have the following format:

  "status": "error",
  "message": "You have reached your daily limit.",
  "errorType": "RATE_LIMIT",
  "correlationId": "c033cdaa-2c40-4a64-ae48-b4cec88dad24",
  "policyName": "DAILY",
  "requestId": "3d3e35b7-0dae-4b9f-a6e3-9c230cbcf8dd"

The message and policyName will indicate which limit you hit (either daily or secondly).

The daily limit resets at midnight based on your time zone setting.

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Hubspot User experience


Hi @Teun the example you have given displays in the browser window or console?


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