I am trying to capture leads from my proprietary shopping cart on my website. It is not built with Shopify or any other standard cart. It is custom built by my website company - Retailer Web Services (RWS).
My website rep has added the formv3 code to the site but it isn't working correctly.
Current Issues:
Some of the leads come through to Hubspot from the "captured form" but others do not. They show on my website's back office site but not in Hubspot.
The ones that do come through are missing some of the fields. He added the fields into the formv3 code but they are still not updating in Hubspot.
Error Code:
He is getting an error code regarding the form ID
{"status":"error","message":"Form with guid 'a212158a-013e-42a2-9984-0e151f1071a3' can't be found","correlationId":"30cc216e-a5e5-4e1b-a6ee-0a70ab23488b","requestId":"cd5c6677-7490-4bb1-982b-9132acdf5e4d"}
When I open the form in Hubspot, I can confirm that a212158a-013e-42a2-9984-0e151f1071a3 is the form id.
I am not sure what the correlationId and requestId parts mean.
The shopping cart is located at the link below. In order to see anything on the page you will have to add something to your cart. The formv3 code is installed on the Thank You page that comes up after submitting the form.
(Side note: We haven't started looking at Ecommerce Bridge or any other solution for products yet. Right now we are focusing on accurately capturing the leads.)
I appreciate your time and any help you can offer. We have made a lot of progress in our set up over the last month (brand new to Hubspot) but this particular part has proven difficult for us. Thank you!
This Form V3 has proven to be too difficult to implement so I had to search for another solution. I found an email parser by Zapier. Considering my website shopping cart sends me an email with the submission information, I set up this email parser to integrate with Hubspot via Zapier. It took some set up - but at least my requests are coming through to Hubspot now.
It seems like there might be a discrepancy between the form ID used in the code and the one registered in HubSpot. The error message indicates that the form ID "a212158a-013e-42a2-9984-0e151f1071a3" cannot be found. Double-check with your website rep to ensure that the correct form ID is being used in the code.
As for the correlationId and requestId parts of the error message, these are identifiers generated by the system to help track and troubleshoot the issue. They're unique identifiers for this specific error instance and aren't something you need to directly address. They're primarily used by developers or support teams to pinpoint the exact error occurrence in logs or debugging sessions.
1. Our website blocks IP addresses outside of North America and if you use a VPN it needs to be set to North America.
2. I believe this is the ID you are looking for: 6342982
Note: When I said that contacts that do come through are missing some information... the information is being sent to Hubspot as I can see it in the Submission records. But some of the properties are NOT being updated on the contact records.
Question: Is the formv3 code supposed to be on the Thank You page that comes up when the form is submitted or on the page containing the form?
While I'm unable to set up VPN to access the website, I was able to look into the form submission on portal 6342982 and I noticed that a number of the form fields such as choose a store, facebook, google etc isn't mapped to a contact's property as I'm seeing this alert:
This value wasn't passed to the contact record. 'choose a store' isn't a contact property.
In this case, your team would need to create custom contact property so that HubSpot will be able to map the form fields to existing contact properties. You can learn more on how non-HubSpot forms works here: Use non-HubSpot forms.
For the second question, it would depend on how your team is storing the form fields data, if those form fields value are pass to the thank you page, your team can call the Form v3 function on that page. If your team isn't passing the values over to the second page, I'd recommend implementing the Form v3 on the page that contain the form.
I am still working out the details on the names of the fields and mapping them to Hubspot.
But my main issue is that not all of the submissions are making it to Hubspot at all. Some people submit the form on my website and Hubspot doesn't capture any data from the submission.
The formv3 code is currently on the thank you page and the data is passed to the thank you page. But maybe I should try implementing the code on the shopping cart page.
Also, so far, no product info is coming over. I am not trying to create all of the products in Hubspot as our database of products changes daily. But I would love for the product info to just come over as text. For example:
1x Ashley 705043835
2x Ashley B21431365792
Just passing over the quantity, brand and product number.
I believe once your team sort out the mapping, the form field data would be passed into a contact property just fine.
As for the second query, by passing in product information do you mean via the form submission? Or you'd like to create product in HubSpot? If so, you can check out the Products API.
I am not really looking to have the products in Hubspot at this point as they are ever changing for us. I would love to just pass through the brand and product number as a text property on the deal but am not sure how to accomplish that.
I would also want to pass through the amount and potentially the url of the product on our website if that's not too hard. (Our proprietary shopping cart currently sends all of this information in an email to us when we get a new submission)
I tried creating a Hubspot form with all of the same data as our existing shopping cart and had my website rep implement it on a staging site (so it wouldn't affect my live site). The submissions come through - but not the product data.
He had me try creating a couple of hidden fields on the Hubspot form and tried passing data through to those fields but it did not work. They just passed through the code instead. I have attached screenshots of the hidden fields in the form builder and what came through on the submission.
Hidden Fields in Form BuilderHow Submission Came Through
This Form V3 has proven to be too difficult to implement so I had to search for another solution. I found an email parser by Zapier. Considering my website shopping cart sends me an email with the submission information, I set up this email parser to integrate with Hubspot via Zapier. It took some set up - but at least my requests are coming through to Hubspot now.