We are trying to build integration with hubspot CRM as part of our product offering to the end user. We are primarliy looking at contacts, company , deals etc to build integration with. However it seems that the specs are changing frequently around the above mentioned objects which is making it difficult to design.
1. Is there any list of stable API for each objects that are less likely to change in near future
2. It has also been observed that the API docs is re-directed to beta url. Are all the API's still in beta ? if not then why is the redirection happening to a beta url
3. Can you also help in pointing to the right integration approach with Hubspot CRM to avoid the risk of supporting beta / deprecated / endpoints
That's an interesting perspective - I had not seen the documentation process through that lens before. Of course, when you look into the details of the updates, I don't think this substantiates instability and changes to the API calls themselves as much as it reflects impoving documentation and error reporting - something which I believe we can all get behind!
@Boomi123 - I'll leave it to the HuSpot folks to comment on policy matters here, but I'll just offer a perspective as someone involved in multiple HubSpot development and customization projects over the last several years.
I think the discussions here and on other forums tend to emphasize new functionality and extensions of the APIs/developer environment which may give a false impression regarding longer term continuity of support. While I have bumped up against quirks and occasional bugs, the support of the standard object APIs you call out is very solid and consistent. I can't recall any changes to my past work forced by a retiring or changed specification. The beta documentation you might see is actually most often related to improvements in the way information is presented rather than the underlying specifications
I don't believe this should be a source of concern for your project.
Thanks for the response and sharing the insight. I do have a follow up question on the same. while looking at the commits in past 1 month we see that for Contacts and Companies have multiple change sets ( 7 and 40+ respectively) which does give a feeling that there is a scope of further changes and it is work in progress. I am sure it is the nature of the game to keep the objects refreshed . How did you tackle with it and worked with moving targets. Any pointers
@Boomi123 - I am not familiar with the 'change sets' or other figures you are referencing here? What is the source and how arr you interpreting the statistics?
That's an interesting perspective - I had not seen the documentation process through that lens before. Of course, when you look into the details of the updates, I don't think this substantiates instability and changes to the API calls themselves as much as it reflects impoving documentation and error reporting - something which I believe we can all get behind!