APIs & Integrations


HubSpot WooCommerce

Hey! I am using Hubspot and its WooCommerce/ Wordpress integration. Just read about the change of the authentication and the use of the HubSpot API and am wondering if for the WooCommerce integration I need to do any action in order to still work after the change next month.

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HubSpot WooCommerce

Hey, @CGrothe 👋 Thanks for reaching out. Can you share specifically which integration you are using? For example, is it this one — WooCommerce by MakeWebBetter


If not, it will likely depend on the integration creator. 


Thanks for the additional details! — Jaycee


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot

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HubSpot WooCommerce

Hi, we are using this plugin and since yesterday the integration doesn't work anymore. What do we have to do in order to reestablish the sycronization of WooCommerce with Hubspot? Do we have to change something in the settings or change to a new plugin?

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HubSpot WooCommerce

Hey @Jaycee_Lewis

Thanks for your reply. So the plugin that I use is "MWB HubSpot for WooCommerce". I guess MWB stands for Make Web Better in this case 😃

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