APIs & Integrations


How to stop receiving webhooks after a customer churns in HubSpot?


We have a question regarding webhook integration with HubSpot. When a customer churns from our side and is removed from our system, we would like to know if there is an endpoint in HubSpot that allows us to uninstall the application only for that particular customer.

Currently, we receive a large number of webhooks from HubSpot every day for customers who have churned, and this is affecting our infrastructure, finances, and environmental impact.

We found a post from 2020 (https://community.hubspot.com/t5/APIs-Integrations/What-happens-when-customer-deletes-their-account-...) discussing the same issue.
However, it states that even if we delete the refresh token, HubSpot continues to send webhooks.

Is this still the case? We don't want to risk losing the refresh token if there is another solution available.

Thank you for any help or suggestions you can provide.

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8 Respostas 8
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite

How to stop receiving webhooks after a customer churns in HubSpot?

Hello @j4y 

To stop receiving webhooks for a particular customer who has churned, you can use the HubSpot's "unsubscribe" endpoint. This endpoint allows you to unsubscribe the customer's email address or a specific event subscription from receiving webhooks.

Here are the steps you can follow:

Identify the customer who has churned and whose webhooks you want to unsubscribe.
Use the "unsubscribe" endpoint to unsubscribe the customer's email address or a specific event subscription.
The "unsubscribe" endpoint requires the email address or event subscription ID that you want to unsubscribe.

Here is an example of how you can unsubscribe a customer's email address:

DELETE https://api.hubapi.com/webhooks/v1/:appId/subscriptions/:subscriptionId/unsubscribe?email=:email


Replace :appId with your HubSpot application ID, :subscriptionId with the subscription ID that you want to unsubscribe, and :email with the email address of the customer you want to unsubscribe.

Alternatively, if you don't have the subscription ID, you can also use the customer's email address to unsubscribe from all events:

DELETE https://api.hubapi.com/webhooks/v1/:appId/unsubscribe/:email


Replace :appId with your HubSpot application ID, and :email with the email address of the customer you want to unsubscribe.

By using this endpoint, you can stop receiving webhooks for a particular customer who has churned without affecting other customers.

Digital Marketing & Inbound Expert In Growth Hacking Technology
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How to stop receiving webhooks after a customer churns in HubSpot?

This looks like the v1 API, I suppose it must be deprecated

The v3 API does not provide anything more than what the UI does, it's really a useless API in that sense

I wonder, if I delete a users' token, will I stop receiving its webhook events?

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How to stop receiving webhooks after a customer churns in HubSpot?

I guess not

Capture d’écran 2023-11-23 à 10.58.14.png

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How to stop receiving webhooks after a customer churns in HubSpot?

Hello @himanshurauthan,

As noted by @boubacardabo, we have attempted to utilize the various endpoints you have provided. However, we consistently receive 404 errors in the API responses, and the hooks continue to proliferate.

We aim to establish a "churn" flow on our side, incorporate this request into it, and streamline the reception of hooks to cleanse our application. Currently, we are facing a substantial number of "404" errors returned to HubSpot due to this issue.

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How to stop receiving webhooks after a customer churns in HubSpot?

Hi, did you find a solution?

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How to stop receiving webhooks after a customer churns in HubSpot?

Still not

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How to stop receiving webhooks after a customer churns in HubSpot?

Thank you @j4y.

@Jaycee_Lewis can we get in touch with some technical people inside the team, to discuss this thing?


How to stop receiving webhooks after a customer churns in HubSpot?

Hello @himanshurauthan 

We have implemented a solution using the endpoint you provided and it looks like the URL is unreachable. We also looked for clues in the official documentation with no success for a dedicated endpoint for unsubscribing. 


Can you please help us with further details or another working endpoint ?

Thank you for your help