APIs & Integrations


How to get line items along with discount and fees from quotes

Hi Team,


We are creating an internal application which connects to the hubspot and fetch quotes, deals, company or contact information.


Problem: Unable to fetch the discount fee information through web api (e.g. https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/quotes/{XXX}?properties=hs_title,hs_template,hs_currency,hs_st...)


Has anybody an idea how to tackle this problem? Are we missing something?

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How to get line items along with discount and fees from quotes

Hi, @Hsharma3 👋 Quick question to help clarify things a bit. Are you trying this for Quotes with discounts created in-app via the Quote Tool? Or for Quotes with Discounts and Fees that were created via the endpoints listed here? Create a Quote


I cannot say for sure without more information, but I wonder if how you are creating quotes and adding fees and discounts — in-app vs via the API, will limit our available options. And I am happy to investigate more.


Thank you! — Jaycee


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot

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