APIs & Integrations


How to find which workflows a contact has gone through?

Hi all, 

I need to replicate that result of workflow membership screen, see below:



but i have to find it using the table sourced by API into my database. 

I cannot find any table with workflow id or something like that... 


What is the correct table to find those information ? 

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How to find which workflows a contact has gone through?

Hey, @CarlosSilva89 👋 To confirm, you aren't missing an option. There is not an endpoint that shows all or previous workflow enrollments for a Contact. You can access current enrollments from this endpoint, Current Enrollments. I agree wholeheartedly, this is a needed addition to our public endpoints.


If you have a moment, adding your suggestion to the Ideas Community and getting some upvotes will be very helpful in getting your suggestion in front of the Product team. If you add a link back to your Idea post, I'll be sure to give it an upvote to help get the ball rolling.





Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

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