How to construct JSON codes to insert or update the contact Status property?
Hi All,
I'm new to Hubspot. I'm trying to POST some contact records from our database into Hubspot using Hubspot API. It works with the basic property such as the contact last name, first name, email, phone, address, etc. However, when I added the status property, it failed with the following message:
"Response Body: {"validationResults":[{"isValid":false,"message":"1 was not one of the allowed options: [label: \"Active\"\nvalue: \"active\"\nread_only: true\n, label: \"Inactive\"\nvalue: \"inactive\"\nread_only: true\n]","error":"INVALID_OPTION","name":"hs_content_membership_status"}],"status":"error","message":"Property values were not valid","correlationId":"5ae5251d-f999-485a-b9c8-a5f92007c4e5","requestId":"32dfc68887aaf82880cb58ec7f2980ee"}"
How to construct JSON codes to insert or update the contact Status property?
Hello there,
Everything is fine with your request. Just need to update the value that you are sending under status property. On hubspot for this property we have two options available and they are active or inactive. So in order to match drop-down select property value, we need a value from those options. Please try to send active for value 1 and inactive for value 0.
I was able post this record to Hubspot without error. However, if I look at the Status property in the Hubspot app, the Status value is blank (I'm expecting it to indicate "Active"). I can manually change it to Active by select it from the dropdown and save, but that's not what I want to do.