Is there any API that will give me list of all the properties for the objects other than CRM, e.g. CMS objects? If not, is there any plan to support this in upcoming releases?
Also for Goals object under CRM, I was not able to get the properties. I got this error - '
Unable to infer object type from: goals' when I tried properties API using this in url - '/crm/v3/properties/goals'. Is this not supported?
Thanks Jaycee for the response. When using APIs in the application that we are building, if there are endpoints that gives us a list of properties for an object (the metadata), we prefer to use that, rather than creating a hard-coded list ourself. For HubSpot, the Properties API endpoint is meant for that, and I expected it to give me the properties for all objects, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I had tried to access this API -, but it did not work. However I was able to fetch properties for other objects like Contacts, Companies, Deals Products, Quotes, LineItems.
Hey, @Iffbld01👋 Thanks for reaching out. To your Goal property question, the available goal-specific properties are listed here — Goals properties.
To your broader question, can you give a few specific examples of what you cannot get a response with using the Properties API endpoints? Outside default or custom objects and engagements — calls, notes, etc.
And lastly 😊, there is not an announcement of upcoming additions to these endpoints (Goals). I have two suggestions here:
create an Ideas forum post for your Goals and Property API endpoint ask