APIs & Integrations


Get company by address

Hey, I know, there are no API calls to get companies by properties, but can anyone help me to create workflow, how i can get company by zip (for example)?

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HubSpot Alumni

Get company by address

Hi @Failhunter , if you're not using the APIs have you reached out to Support about this? They should be able to handle questions like this. As for the API, there isn't a way to filter down by property directly, but you can still get all companies, specify the properties parameter in the URL, then paginate through all of them to find ones with zip codes equal to a certain number, or set of numbers. I created an application that does a similar thing which you can check out here: https://github.com/cbarley10/hubspot-pagination.


As for the workflow workaround, I don't think that would work, but a smart list based on if a companies' zip code is equal to a certain zip code might work. I'd recommend opening up a Support ticket to see if they have any alternative workaround within the HubSpot tools themselves as opposed to using our APIs.