APIs & Integrations


Get attachment from deal ID

Is there some way to get just attachment names from specific deal?

Iam trying for three days and i cant figure it out. Is that problem with hiden files? 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Get attachment from deal ID

Hi @Vgabrhelík and welcome to the Community!
It's so great to have you here!

Thanks for asking the Community!

I'd like to share these resources that might help you:

- The solution from @IsaacTakushi on this post "Get attachments on a company, contact, or deal"
- The solution from @JBeatty on this post "How to get file attachments associated to a single deal with API"
- The solution from my colleague Kristen on this post "get Contact Attachments using API"
- The solution from @GRajput on this post "Getting contact's attachments via API"

I hope this helps!

Have a fantastic day!


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