APIs & Integrations


Get Ticket detail by ticket is returning hs_pipeline and hs_pipeline_stage as number




When I try to get the details of the ticket by this api

Endpoint  : /crm/v3/objects/tickets/{ticketId} 

It is returning hs_pipeline and hs_pipeline_stage as number(their Id) as shown below in example 1 but I want to get then result as shown in example 2. Is there any way to achive it.


Example 1:

"id": "247495245",
"properties": {
"content": null,
"createdate": "2020-11-23T19:27:33.507Z",
"hs_lastmodifieddate": "2020-11-23T19:31:42.989Z",
"hs_object_id": "247495245",
"hs_pipeline": "6140873",
"hs_pipeline_stage": "6140874",
"hs_ticket_category": null,
"hs_ticket_priority": "MEDIUM",
"subject": "Time Card/ Comission report showing duplicate information"
"createdAt": "2020-11-23T19:27:33.507Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-11-23T19:31:42.989Z",
"archived": false


Example 2:


"createdAt": "2019-10-30T03:30:17.883Z",
"archived": false,
"id": "512",
"properties": {
"createdate": "2019-10-30T03:30:17.883Z",
"hs_lastmodifieddate": "2019-12-07T16:50:06.678Z",
"hs_pipeline": "support_pipeline",
"hs_pipeline_stage": "open",
"hs_ticket_priority": "HIGH",
"hubspot_owner_id": "910901",
"subject": "troubleshoot report"
"updatedAt": "2019-12-07T16:50:06.678Z"



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ガイド役 | Solutions Partner
ガイド役 | Solutions Partner

Get Ticket detail by ticket is returning hs_pipeline and hs_pipeline_stage as number




Since you are able to manually crete several deal stages and pipelines in your hubspot account there is nothing uniqe about the either the pipeline or the stage. You may for example name a pipeline stage the same thing in two different pipelines. 


You can either request the pipeline information by asking for one pipeline per id with the pipeline get integration. 



But I recommend getting the full pipeline list with all its stages and creating an array early on in your code and that specifies all your names for you. I code in PHP and for me it would look similar to this:




# $a_response_containing_json (where your request response is collected as a json)

foreach ($a_response_containing_json['results'] as $key => $value)


$pipeline_id = $a_response_containing_json['results'] [$key]['id'];

$my_pipeline_names[$pipeline_id] =  $a_response_containing_json['results'] [$key]['label'];

#to get all your stage names you will have to do an other foreach loop within this array

foreach ($a_response_containing_json['results'][$key]['stages']  as $key2 => $value2){

$stage_id = $a_response_containing_json['results'] [$key]['stages'][$key2]['id'];

$my_stage_names[$stage_id] = $a_response_containing_json['results'] [$key]['stages'][$key2]['label'];




The output of this will be two arrays

$my_pipeline_names[enter your pipeline id here];

$my_stage_names[enter your stage id here];

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Get Ticket detail by ticket is returning hs_pipeline and hs_pipeline_stage as number


Thank you @sharonlicari  and @MichaelC . I am trying to get the detail in same api so I don't have to hit pineline api.

Thank you for you response.

ガイド役 | Solutions Partner
ガイド役 | Solutions Partner

Get Ticket detail by ticket is returning hs_pipeline and hs_pipeline_stage as number




Since you are able to manually crete several deal stages and pipelines in your hubspot account there is nothing uniqe about the either the pipeline or the stage. You may for example name a pipeline stage the same thing in two different pipelines. 


You can either request the pipeline information by asking for one pipeline per id with the pipeline get integration. 



But I recommend getting the full pipeline list with all its stages and creating an array early on in your code and that specifies all your names for you. I code in PHP and for me it would look similar to this:




# $a_response_containing_json (where your request response is collected as a json)

foreach ($a_response_containing_json['results'] as $key => $value)


$pipeline_id = $a_response_containing_json['results'] [$key]['id'];

$my_pipeline_names[$pipeline_id] =  $a_response_containing_json['results'] [$key]['label'];

#to get all your stage names you will have to do an other foreach loop within this array

foreach ($a_response_containing_json['results'][$key]['stages']  as $key2 => $value2){

$stage_id = $a_response_containing_json['results'] [$key]['stages'][$key2]['id'];

$my_stage_names[$stage_id] = $a_response_containing_json['results'] [$key]['stages'][$key2]['label'];




The output of this will be two arrays

$my_pipeline_names[enter your pipeline id here];

$my_stage_names[enter your stage id here];

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Get Ticket detail by ticket is returning hs_pipeline and hs_pipeline_stage as number


Hey @Abhimanyu 


Thank you for reaching out! I'll mention a few experts that can share their knowledge with you!


Hey @himanshurauthan @HenryCipolla  any thoughts about this case?


Thank you 


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