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I am looking to know how to find the file's public url of an attachement put in a note, in my situation the notes are located in deals exclusively. I would like to use Operation Hub Pro's webhook or custom code.
Is there anyway to find it easily ?
After my research, it's look like that I need to make at least 4 api calls from deals to files, is there anyway to make it quickly ?
Hey @JulienD8 Thanks for reaching out. I am assuming you already have a particuar Deal ID and you'd want to retrieve all attachments of those notes in that deal.
Minimally we'll need 2 api calls.
The first call would be an association to the notes using the Search Endpoint:
POST /crm/v3/objects/notes/search
The body of your request could be something like so - and the "hs_attachment_ids" property will return all files associated to that note.
Hey @JulienD8 Thanks for reaching out. I am assuming you already have a particuar Deal ID and you'd want to retrieve all attachments of those notes in that deal.
Minimally we'll need 2 api calls.
The first call would be an association to the notes using the Search Endpoint:
POST /crm/v3/objects/notes/search
The body of your request could be something like so - and the "hs_attachment_ids" property will return all files associated to that note.
Hey, @JulienD8👋 Thanks for reaching out. Hey, @weiliang_lee@miljkovicmisa, do you have any thoughts here? I don't know of a method that doesn't involve multiple calls.