Hey @JFaber69👋 This one took me down the rabbit hole, but I figured it out after a bit of trial and error. The quick answer is — these properties are not automatically updated even after setting the associations, adding an owner to the associations deal, nor when sending the owner properties like `hs_quote_owner_id`. You have to set this in the request body in the properties section.
Shoutout to @Teun and @CMcKay for solving this one in 2022 — solution. I'll make a request to see if we can get the dev doc updated to reflect this information.
Hey @JFaber69👋 This one took me down the rabbit hole, but I figured it out after a bit of trial and error. The quick answer is — these properties are not automatically updated even after setting the associations, adding an owner to the associations deal, nor when sending the owner properties like `hs_quote_owner_id`. You have to set this in the request body in the properties section.
Shoutout to @Teun and @CMcKay for solving this one in 2022 — solution. I'll make a request to see if we can get the dev doc updated to reflect this information.