APIs & Integrations


Error when trying to connect app to Matillion: Couldn’t complete the connection: Insufficient scopes

Hi all,


I am trying to connect my Hubspot to Matillion by following this document: https://documentation.matillion.com/docs/2521443


However when I reach step 4, I get the error: "Couldn’t complete the connection: Insufficient scopes were provided. Please contact the app developer."


I've tried matching my url and application scopes but I seem to be missing something. 


This my URL: https://app.hubspot.com/oauth/authorize/?client_id=xxxxx&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fetl.xxx.com%2Foa...

(repalced client id with xxxxx)

and these are the scopes I've selected:


Any ideas?

Thank you!

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Error when trying to connect app to Matillion: Couldn’t complete the connection: Insufficient scopes

Hey @May4 👋 Are you still experiencing this issue?


Also please make sure you are copying the full auth URL to make sure your redirect URL is secureDevelopers___HubSpot.png

Thank you! – Jaycee


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot

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