APIs & Integrations


Error validating callback ID

Hi, I'm having trouble with a custom action I have in my app. When the process ends and attempts are made to validate the callback id, it returns this error:


Have you had this error before?

Should I add something to my app?

I contacted support but have had no response.


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Error validating callback ID

We have an app on Marketplace that is getting these same errors. Per our Monitoring logs, the first occurrence was August 12, 2024 12:33 AM PDT. 



"message":"Error validating callbacks",



"message":"Callback with ID ap-139647542-350957049810-18-0 not found for App ID 1353921"


And lots and lots of errors (thousands) just like this have been happening since. Occassionally, some will sneak through and be successful.


Nothing has changed in our app that would have caused this. 


Error validating callback ID

Something happened in the HubSpot system at about the same time I posted my last response. All of a sudden, all of our pending items that had been failing for days went through successfully.


Can anyone at HubSpot confirm whether there was, in fact, an issue in HubSpot and that it was fixed?

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Error validating callback ID

Hi @ScottHemmeter 

Yes, it seems like they already solved the problem

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Error validating callback ID

We have the same issue on one of ours app since the 12th of August (same day of OP).
- Yes, it is happening every time on the two Custom Workflow Action we have in an app
- No, callbacks are not older than 24 hours, they are minutes old
- It's a url, the callback id is obviously a string

This is a recent correlation ID for the request:

Called URL (redacted information for privacy purposes):

{"status":"error","message":"Error validating callbacks","correlationId":"84eff850-65a3-462c-b2ac-ce8f7826c0b8","errors":[{"subCategory":"ExtensionCallbackValidationError.CALLBACK_NOT_FOUND",.....

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Error validating callback ID

Hey, @developer2024 👋 Thanks for your question. Please let us know what support says. 


— is this happening every time?

— are your callback IDs more than 24 hours old? When you try to validate it?

— can you verify your callback ID is formatted as a string?


Thanks for the additional details!— Jaycee


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot

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Error validating callback ID

Hi @Jaycee_Lewis 

- It started last Wednesday, with a single client, as the days went by the number of affected clients increased.

- No, most callback ids are not older than 24 hours

- Yes, the string is always formatted

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