Hi everyone I wanted to request your help about an error than I'm facing with the API transactional email.
When I send the email using the from
noreply@ascend.com the email is rendering properly in outlook using the web browser and the outlook windows app but when I use the from
do_not_reply@clicksafety.com the email is not rendering properly in the outlook windows app but it's rendering properly in outlook using web browser but the email direction is changed for do_not_reply@clicksafety.com<do_not_reply=clicksafety.com@bf02.hubspotfree.net> in both parts (web browser and windows app)
Here I added some images about the error:
This is the postman body that I'm using and it has the parameters and the email noreply@ascend.com
This call is redenring the email like this on the web browser and the windows app:
This past image is the right format of the email so this is format that I need to see in the email and this is the format that I made on the email template.
On the other hand, this is the postman body that I'm using and it has the parameters and the email do_not_reply@clicksafety.com
This call is redenring the email like this on the windows app:
This past image is the wrong format of the email.
Please could you help me with that ? I'm not pretty what's causing this issue.