APIs & Integrations


Engagements and Attachments

Hi There!


I need to display the data of engagements and attachments of specific contact record and I need to do this for all the modules such as contact, company, deal, ticket etc. 


I have tried below url for fethcing all the engagements but I am not able to displat data and also not able to find the feature wise records.

Link : https://api.hubapi.com/engagements/v1/engagements/paged

If you have any solutions so please do let me know.



3 Replies 3
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner

Engagements and Attachments

Hi Everyone,


I work for a HubSpot Diamond Partner. We have developed an app for the marketplace that helps identify objects with attached files and provides a live count of the associated attachments, continuously updated in real-time.


We are seeking beta testers who can try our app at no cost, provide valuable feedback, and assist us in enhancing the product's overall usability.


👉 Join the Beta Test -> Installation link 🔗

👉 How it works document -> PDF


While you're here, don't forget to check out our other apps in the HubSpot Marketplace for more helpful solutions!



Francesco Collacciani

HubSpot Specialist @ Exelab

#1 HubSpot Diamond Partner in Italy

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Guide | Platinum Partner
Guide | Platinum Partner

Engagements and Attachments

Hi @MeetGajera !

It looks like you're using a deprecated endpoint, and you'd much rather use the v3 API as indicated by @MiaSrebrnjak.
Can you also please be a bit more specific as to what you're trying to achieve ?
What does "display the data of engagements and attachments of specific contact record" ?


Are you trying to fetch them to display on an external system ?

Are you trying to store them on an extrernal database ?

Do you need to do this for all the records in your CRM ?

Do you need to do this in real time ?


There are many ways you can get the engagements for a CRM record, but it depends on the use case.

Agence Mi4 - Data DrivenCTO @ Mi4
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Community Manager
Community Manager

Engagements and Attachments

Hi @MeetGajera,


I wanted to share the developer documentation on Engagements and invite @LMeert and @Ismail to this thread to see if they have any advice. Thank you!!


Mia, Community Team

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