APIs & Integrations


Encoded deal stages & pipelines & data sources



I am trying to extract some data on deals from the API for analysis but i am getting some of the stages as encoded data. Please find an example below:

for some deals i got the real names, for some, I am getting something like: 'fc21a02b-9fd7-439a-8c7c-e62e9adc04ef' instead of the real name of the deal stage as i see it on the interface.

Same for the pipeline and data source.

Do you have any ideas?


Thanks in advance,

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Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite

Encoded deal stages & pipelines & data sources




Moreover please refer to Sources article once. May be it can help. As far as I know if you are getting some encoded kind of values under "hs_analytics_source_data_1" property then it may be a formID or a custom integration.



Digital Marketing & Inbound Expert In Growth Hacking Technology

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Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite

Encoded deal stages & pipelines & data sources


Hello @senamous 


For deal stages we have 2 things that help to work better and they are label and stageID. When we fetch a deal pipeline using Get all pipelines for a specified object type then under that we get pipeline ID and stages.
So for stages either you can use stageID or label to indentify them. They are not encoded. When the deal stages are created manually in CRM or are added through API without any stageI specification, then the stageID are formatted like this. Same is the case with Deal Pipeline also.


Digital Marketing & Inbound Expert In Growth Hacking Technology
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Encoded deal stages & pipelines & data sources


Hi @himanshurauthan,


Thanks for the quick reply. 


When i said "pipeline" I was talking about the property called "pipeline" belonging the set of properties for one deal (can be found here https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/methods/deals/deal_properties_overview).

Let me give you some more details on what I am trying to do. I am building an ETL between our data on hubspot and our datawarehouse. To do this, i am using the mathod explained here : https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/methods/deals/get-all-deals. I am interested by a set of properties for each deal, among which there is "dealstage", "pipeline", "hs_analytics_source_data". Some values for these properties are formatted like i said (not all the values). 


My question is: is there a way to have the real values for the properties which are formatted like this?


Thanks a lot.


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Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite

Encoded deal stages & pipelines & data sources


Hello @senamous 


Thanks for more insights. The values returned under GET  DEALS api follows the same case as what I have explained previously. They use the formatted values of stage and pipeline under "value" param of each deal. You can get the original values/labels for stages and pipeline using the GET all PIPELINES api. Only this is the API that returns the internal value and original names of Pipelines and Deal Stages for an account.

You can search for original names/labels for Stage/Pipeline and prepare a well formatted mapping which can be used in future also. For instance try to save a formatted data for stages and pipelines which holds their ID ( internal value ) and Names ( labels ).



Digital Marketing & Inbound Expert In Growth Hacking Technology

Encoded deal stages & pipelines & data sources


Hello @himanshurauthan ,


Thank you for the clear response. I see what to do for "dealstage" and "pipeline" properties. What about "hs_analytics_source_data_1" for example? Is there a way to build  mapping as well?


Thank you!


0 Avaliação positiva
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite

Encoded deal stages & pipelines & data sources




Moreover please refer to Sources article once. May be it can help. As far as I know if you are getting some encoded kind of values under "hs_analytics_source_data_1" property then it may be a formID or a custom integration.



Digital Marketing & Inbound Expert In Growth Hacking Technology

Encoded deal stages & pipelines & data sources


@himanshurauthan Thank you very much for your help 🙂


Encoded deal stages & pipelines & data sources


Hi @himanshurauthan,


I still have one stageId that has no label when i try to map it with CRM pipeline api. 

it's "9deb2a14-2140-4ccc-8b42-80c266ec8a97". Do you have an idea how to solve this?


Thanks in advance,

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Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite

Encoded deal stages & pipelines & data sources




HubSpot has recently improved its UI and provided a straightforward feature to view the stages and their IDs directly from HubSpot interface. Navigate to HubSpot > Settings > Sales > Deals. There you can check for each pipeline and their stage IDs.

Screenshot at 2019-09-03 14-54-31.png


See if you can that unlabelled stage ID here. It may be a stage referencing other pipeline.



Digital Marketing & Inbound Expert In Growth Hacking Technology
0 Avaliação positiva
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Elite

Encoded deal stages & pipelines & data sources




I can see under deal properties that it's a single line text property, so we can not build out any mapping for this. Can you please tell me what value we are getting in GET response?



Digital Marketing & Inbound Expert In Growth Hacking Technology
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Encoded deal stages & pipelines & data sources


For hs_analytics_source_data_1 we have:



For hs_analytics_source_data_2 we have for example (among others):





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