Emails are not marked as read on Gmail. Our team members have to manually mark them as read on Gmail
Mali Diez from HubSpot suggested to post our tech request here. We have a ticket requesting to fix this integration to Gmail when we connect the HubSpot Inbox to a team email or a personal email. I dont know if it is through the HubSpot Sales Chrome Extension for Gmail accounts or is directly in the Inbox.
Is not productive at all that our team members have to manually mark the emails as read on Gmail, when using HubSpot Inbox.
They started doing this and found that some Gmail emails sometimes dont get to the HubSpot Inbox. Related tickets #2137296, #2235398 and #2205873
Mali Diez wrote:
Ticket number: #2162942 Closed unresolved due to not being a product feature right now. Support suggestion is to have it as a request in the ideas forum to bring ideas to the product
Thank you for sharing this feedback. I empathize with your pain that HubSpot does not mark messages in Gmail as read. That said, I understand there are significant technical roadblocks which prevent our team from implementing a solution in the immediate future.
As Mali and my colleagues in support recommended, the best place to voice these product requests is on the Ideas Forum, not this board.
I see you have already commented and upvoted this exiting post. I have upvoted it as well and will ask the support specialists you worked with to do the same. I also encourage you to share the idea with your colleagues and network so that it gains more votes.
I want to be clear — the feature request has been viewed by HubSpotters; it is not "unread". That does not guarantee, however, that a product team member will respond with next steps. To be transparent, our engineers prioritize feature requests with the most upvotes and comments. This idea still has fewer than 10 upvotes whereas the most popular ideas have hundreds. I do not mean to discourage you. I understand this is a painful situation for you and want your voice to be heard, but I must also set realistic expectations.
@Gabrielaeh and @mariajosemora, I see that you have kudoed this post. Per my statement above, please upvote and comment on this feature request instead so that it gains more visibility among our product team.
Thank you for sharing this feedback. I empathize with your pain that HubSpot does not mark messages in Gmail as read. That said, I understand there are significant technical roadblocks which prevent our team from implementing a solution in the immediate future.
As Mali and my colleagues in support recommended, the best place to voice these product requests is on the Ideas Forum, not this board.
I see you have already commented and upvoted this exiting post. I have upvoted it as well and will ask the support specialists you worked with to do the same. I also encourage you to share the idea with your colleagues and network so that it gains more votes.
I want to be clear — the feature request has been viewed by HubSpotters; it is not "unread". That does not guarantee, however, that a product team member will respond with next steps. To be transparent, our engineers prioritize feature requests with the most upvotes and comments. This idea still has fewer than 10 upvotes whereas the most popular ideas have hundreds. I do not mean to discourage you. I understand this is a painful situation for you and want your voice to be heard, but I must also set realistic expectations.
@Gabrielaeh and @mariajosemora, I see that you have kudoed this post. Per my statement above, please upvote and comment on this feature request instead so that it gains more visibility among our product team.
Emails are not marked as read on Gmail. Our team members have to manually mark them as read on Gmail
Hello Isacc,
I am posting our request on every forum possible. I will make sure to let my colleages know the other idea is the one they need to be upvoting.
This is a really important feature for us. We are amazed how other HubSpot clients has not requested it before. Maybe they use new email addresses for team emails where they can start from scratch and forget the Gmail inbox. But, for us we have been using the team email Gmail Inbox forever and now it is hard to let it go, been the actual condition of the HubSpot Inbox of not marking read our Gmail Inbox.
Plus other features we asked to your custumer support team that are also fuctions the HubSpot Inbox does not have:
a) Reply all and Forward feature
b) Filtering rules exception for when a HubSpot Workflow assign a Task to a team email. In this case the email notification of the Task end up in the filtered inbox with the rest of the spam becuase it is sent by
Emails are not marked as read on Gmail. Our team members have to manually mark them as read on Gmail
I appreciate your candor, @andresmorera. Thanks so much for sharing. I hope others will see this post and upvote your ideas as well, because I would love to see a more seamless integration with Gmail and other mail clients.
Emails are not marked as read on Gmail. Our team members have to manually mark them as read on Gmail
I feel genuine embarrassment for HubSpot that this feature still doesn't exist. It's been so long now and frankly I think if more customers new about this they would not sign up. I know that to be true for our 3 teams which all use hubspot.
Thank you for the feedback. Please be sure to upvote and comment on the official feature request itself as well so that this pain is highlighted when our teams go to prioritize requests.