APIs & Integrations

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Does Get All/Recent Contacts ever return is-contact: false?

Do the get all and recent contact endpoints every return “placeholder records” (is-contact == false)?

I’m just wondering if they will ever be in the response and I need to have my code ignore such records.

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Ancien salarié HubSpot
Ancien salarié HubSpot

Does Get All/Recent Contacts ever return is-contact: false?

Hi @homerlex,

The records returned by the get all and get recent contacts endpoints should never show is-contact: false. The one scenario you would see is-contact: false would be if you were using the get contact by user token endpoint; in that case, is-contact: false means that there isn’t an actual contact record corresponding to that user token yet.

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Does Get All/Recent Contacts ever return is-contact: false?

Great. Thanks a bunch