APIs & Integrations


Deleted records | HubSpot <> Zoho CRM Integration

Hello community! 🌠


Currently, we work integratedly with HubSpot and Zoho CRM at the level of: Contacts, Companies & Deals.

Many times, when a Deal is integrated from Zoho to HubSpot, the associated Contact fails to synchronize because it already existed previously in the HubSpot database and was deleted.
Is there any way to configure it so that, regardless of whether it was deleted in the past, it synchronizes and creates it?

Thank you ❤️

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Deleted records | HubSpot <> Zoho CRM Integration

Hey, @RevOpsEli 👋 Thanks for your question. It's difficult to be 100% sure without more information. 


  • If these contacts were Permanently Deleted, then they cannot be added back — Perform a permanent delete in HubSpot
  • If you take the contact's email address and manually try to add them into your portal, do you get the same or a similar error?


Thanks for the additional information. — Jaycee


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot


Deleted records | HubSpot <> Zoho CRM Integration

Hello Jaycee! Thanks for your time 😍 really apreciate your answer.

  • As I can see, all these records were not permanently deleted, but some of them have been deleted for more than 90 days, so I can't restore them
  • I've been creating all the non-sync contacts by hand perfectly

The point is: if the Zoho <> HubSpot integration tries to create a Contact that has been removed, it won't be automatically created. And there is no possibility to automate the check (if it was deleted permanently or not)  and restoring of the record... is that correct? We have to do it manually.


Thanks again!!!


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