Deal search with specific property update datetime.
Another option -
To search for deal records that have a specific property (like 'end date') updated after a certain datetime, you can use the HubSpot API. While there isn't a direct endpoint to search deals based on property update datetime, you can achieve this by combining the Deal API and the engagement timestamps.
Steps to Achieve This:
Retrieve All Deals:
First, you need to retrieve all deals using the HubSpot Deals API. You can use the GET /crm/v3/objects/deals endpoint to fetch deals.
Filter Deals by Property Update:
After retrieving the deals, you will need to filter them based on the end date property update timestamp. Unfortunately, HubSpot does not provide a direct filter in the API for this, so you will have to handle this logic in your code.
Example Implementation in Python:
Here’s an example of how you might implement this in Python:
import requests from datetime import datetime
# HubSpot API key api_key = 'YOUR_HUBSPOT_API_KEY'
# Parameters for the request params = { 'hapikey': api_key, 'properties': 'end_date,lastmodifieddate', 'limit': 100 }
# Function to get deals from HubSpot def get_deals(url, params): deals = [] while url: response = requests.get(url, params=params) response_data = response.json() deals.extend(response_data.get('results', [])) url = response_data.get('paging', {}).get('next', {}).get('link') return deals
# Get all deals all_deals = get_deals(url, params)
# Specific datetime to filter specific_datetime = datetime.strptime('2023-01-01T00:00:00Z', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
# Filter deals based on end_date property update filtered_deals = [] for deal in all_deals: end_date = deal['properties'].get('end_date') last_modified = deal['properties'].get('lastmodifieddate') if end_date and last_modified: last_modified_datetime = datetime.strptime(last_modified, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') if last_modified_datetime > specific_datetime: filtered_deals.append(deal)
# Print filtered deals for deal in filtered_deals: print(deal)
Deal search with specific property update datetime.
Another option -
To search for deal records that have a specific property (like 'end date') updated after a certain datetime, you can use the HubSpot API. While there isn't a direct endpoint to search deals based on property update datetime, you can achieve this by combining the Deal API and the engagement timestamps.
Steps to Achieve This:
Retrieve All Deals:
First, you need to retrieve all deals using the HubSpot Deals API. You can use the GET /crm/v3/objects/deals endpoint to fetch deals.
Filter Deals by Property Update:
After retrieving the deals, you will need to filter them based on the end date property update timestamp. Unfortunately, HubSpot does not provide a direct filter in the API for this, so you will have to handle this logic in your code.
Example Implementation in Python:
Here’s an example of how you might implement this in Python:
import requests from datetime import datetime
# HubSpot API key api_key = 'YOUR_HUBSPOT_API_KEY'
# Parameters for the request params = { 'hapikey': api_key, 'properties': 'end_date,lastmodifieddate', 'limit': 100 }
# Function to get deals from HubSpot def get_deals(url, params): deals = [] while url: response = requests.get(url, params=params) response_data = response.json() deals.extend(response_data.get('results', [])) url = response_data.get('paging', {}).get('next', {}).get('link') return deals
# Get all deals all_deals = get_deals(url, params)
# Specific datetime to filter specific_datetime = datetime.strptime('2023-01-01T00:00:00Z', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
# Filter deals based on end_date property update filtered_deals = [] for deal in all_deals: end_date = deal['properties'].get('end_date') last_modified = deal['properties'].get('lastmodifieddate') if end_date and last_modified: last_modified_datetime = datetime.strptime(last_modified, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') if last_modified_datetime > specific_datetime: filtered_deals.append(deal)
# Print filtered deals for deal in filtered_deals: print(deal)