APIs & Integrations


Creation of campaigns/contacts does not trigger the Weebhook

Hi, I'm researching HubSpot on integration issues. I have a requirement that consists of linking an event to a weebhook (creation of campaigns and contacts).

So far I have created a test account where I am creating a test campaign (https://app.hubspot.com/contacts/40200444/objects/0-2/views/all/list)

I have been able to create it, however it has not triggered the weebhook.

I found this thread, which is more or less what I'm looking for in my case

I did the steps "jackcoldrick " mentions and got to the point where I get the code. However when I want to paste the url https://api.hubapi.com/oauth/v1/token from postman I get this error.

"status": "BAD_REDIRECT_URI",
"message": "missing or unknown redirect URI",
"correlationId": "1c8af702-f41f-4006-8c74-6e9aff507b59"

Obviously the message is very clear, there is an error regarding the url , but I'm not sure what it is.

Attached test request in postman

Things I've done so far:
*Create webhook (OK)
*Test webhook with test body in local environment using ngrok (Ok)
*Define events in the webhook (OK)
*Get access to flows through the following link https://app.hubspot.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx&scope=contacts...
* Get code (OK)
*Fire webhook when a bell is created (FAIL) webhook.JPGscreenshot.png

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Creation of campaigns/contacts does not trigger the Weebhook

Some help plis

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