APIs & Integrations


Create Company API is creating new companies without deduplication.


We try to use company API to create a new company in Hubspot.



From your documentation, the domain is used to avoid duplicates. However, when I tested this via API, hubspot API creates a new company every time, even the domain is the same.

"It is recommended to always include domain, because domain names are the primary unique identifier  to avoid duplicate companies in HubSpot. "


Reproduce the Problem:


"properties": {
"name": "TestCompanyNameUI",
"domain": "TestCompanyNameUI.COM",
"city": "",
"industry": "",
"phone": "",
"state": ""


Current Response:

1. If we use the same inputs to create company multiple times, each time, we created a new company.


Expected Response:

If we use the same domain, first time, it shall create a new company. After first time, it shall give 409 and return existing company ID.


Another question:

1. Can I use company name to dedupe, instead of domain name?


Can you help answer the above issues?

1 Reply 1
Recognized Expert | Platinum Partner
Recognized Expert | Platinum Partner

Create Company API is creating new companies without deduplication.

Hi @AZhou6 

We can create multiple companies using the same Domain even without API's.

Now Coming back to your problem, if you want a single domain to single company then what you can do is use a search company API and find the existing domains then you can search your new domain from the existing domains. If it exist do nothing and if it doesn't then you can create a Company using API with your new domain.


Hope this will helps you out. Please mark it as Solution Accepted & Upvote to help other Community member.

Gaurav Rajput
Director, MarTech( Growth Natives)

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