APIs & Integrations


Create Association API Forbidden Error

I have a workflow using custom code that I'm using to associate deals with custom objects. The workflow uses the HubSpot API to create the association. This workflow has been running fine for months but as of yesterday the call to create the association is getting back a 403 Forbidden response. I've tried rotating the key that's being used, and adding the deal and custom object sensitive read/write scopes. It already had the regular deal and custom object read/write scopes. I tried creating a new private app and using that key instead. I tried making the call in postman instead of in the workflow. None of it is working. Here is the python code that is making the API call:
association_api_response = hubspot.crm.associations.v4.basic_api.create(
"associationCategory": "USER_DEFINED",
"associationTypeId": 82
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling basic_api->create: %s\n" % e)

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Create Association API Forbidden Error

Hey, @MTuerpe 👋 Have you tested using that key with another endpoint, like Create a Deal, for example? Curious if it fails there too (with the appropriate scopes added of course 😊


My suggestion is to file a support ticket and clarify:

  • this is not a custom coding question
  • the token(s) in question worked previously but stated failing on X date
  • no changes were made on your end
  • it also fails when using cURL and Postman (include your request, response, and error messages from using cURL and Postman) 

Talk soon! — Jaycee


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot