APIs & Integrations


Contact property names error


When importing Contacts I am getting this error:


-- Import Customers
{"status":"error","message":"some property names are invalid: {ObjectTypeId{legacyObjectType=CONTACT}=[fercho]}","correlationId":"3ed51168-5e03-494b-a513-ab2b4ee8d8b5"}
-- End Process


I am using "fercho" as the customer property name.


Is any documentation with the name requirements that need to be satisfied?

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Equipo de producto de HubSpot
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Contact property names error



You need to make sure the internal name for the property is the same as this.  You can look in the setting of the portal for properties.  Click on the property in question and then click on the <> at the top right.  This will display the internal name.

You can also poll the properties API for it as well.

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Equipo de producto de HubSpot
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Contact property names error



You need to make sure the internal name for the property is the same as this.  You can look in the setting of the portal for properties.  Click on the property in question and then click on the <> at the top right.  This will display the internal name.

You can also poll the properties API for it as well.

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