APIs & Integrations


Contact and Recruiting non-HubSpot form create a new client lead

Hello, I'm new on the HubSpot Forum and need help.


The website of my company has two non-HubSpot forms on a page, one for recruiting in the main section, and one for clients in the footer.


We have embed a code like this  before closing the body tag:

<script type="text/javascript" id="hs-script-loader" async defer src="//js.hs-scripts.com/xxxxxxx.js"></script>
The problem is that when a form for recruiting is send, a lead for a new client is generated.
Is there any way to register only the submisions of the form for clients and ignore the the others?
2 Replies 2
HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Contact and Recruiting non-HubSpot form create a new client lead

Hey @julia-fluxit,


I would expect that if there's two non-HubSpot forms on a page, if you submit one, the other form wouldn't get submitted as well. 


In this case, do you mind sharing with me (1) the page where the form is on (2) the HubSpot portal in question?


Contact and Recruiting non-HubSpot form create a new client lead

Hello Wendy,

This is the page https://www.fluxitsoft.com/life/

The problem is that if the form that opens with the button "SUBÍ TU CV" when is send is registered a lead for a client. But this form shuldn't register any lead.

The only form that has to create a lead is the one on the footer, that opens with the button "ESCRIBINOS". 


Sadly I don't have access to the HubSpot portal, that is managed for another area on my company. They reported this issue with the forms on our website, but I can't find documentation of how to restric the script to register the submit of one form only.