I’m trying to run 2 jQuery scripts on 1 page and am not sure how to do it. I have both scripts running in a HubL code module in a global footer. One is for the Mobile Menu, the other is for an accordion. I put the accordion module on this page: http://www-apexhomeloans-com.sandbox.hs-sites.com/lopage
jQuery code in the HubL template is below. Both scripts run individually, but the accordion script doesn’t run if the mobile menu script is there.
Thanks, bud! Works now. I just ended up switching every “$” to “jQuery” like they said in that SO post. Definitely have to start learning javascript and jQuery - I’m more on the marketing end and do PPC campaigns and stuff like that, but I do want to learn more development. Thanks again!
Looks like the error is Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
at lopage:893 at the accordion element. Try wrapping the jquery in a self invoking function and moving everything into one script tag.
Thanks. I meant to include the actual code, but I think I left html tags around it so it didn’t show up lol. It is exactly what you’re saying, but I’m not sure how to fix it. I’m just using code that I found online for each section and don’t really know jQuery, unfortunately.
var $mobile = jQuery.noConflict();
$mobile(function() {
// Initially hide all accordion content
// Initially display the accordion content with .expanded class
$accordion.find(’.accordion_group.expanded .accordion_content’).show();
// Display the accordion content if it is not displayed
// Hide the accordion content if it is displayed
var $mobile = jQuery.noConflict();
$mobile(function() {
* Mobile Nav
* Hubspot Standard Toggle Menu
$mobile('.custom-menu-primary .hs-menu-flow-horizontal').before('<a class="mobile-trigger"><span></span><i></i></a>');
$mobile('.custom-menu-primary .flyouts .hs-item-has-children > a').after('<a class="child-trigger"><span></span></a>');
$mobile('a.mobile-trigger').click(function() {
$mobile(this).next('.custom-menu-primary .hs-menu-flow-horizontal').slideToggle(250);
return false;
$mobile('a.child-trigger').click(function() {
return false;
* jQuery Accordion
var $accordion = $('.accordion');
// Initially hide all accordion content
// Initially display the accordion content with .expanded class
$accordion.find('.accordion_group.expanded .accordion_content').show();
// Hide the displayed sibling accordion content so only one appears at a time
// Display the accordion content if it is not displayed
// Hide the accordion content if it is displayed
@fly.space.age Hmm. Should that work as is? Seems both aren’t working if I put it in that way. Thanks for your help! I at least know the issue, just have to figure out how to combine the two functions into 1 script now.