APIs & Integrations


Company domain is null when name is empty

Hello everyone, just a quick question. I’m using the v3 crm api and the API is returning null for name and domain properties for a company. The company does not have a name, but it has a company domain property and I am able to see it in the Hubspot UI.


I’m using this endpoint: /crm/v3/objects/companies

I included the following query parameters:

  • hapikey=[MY API KEY]
  • properties=name,domain
  • limit=100


So this happens only when a company does not have a name, it returns null for the company domain as well. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug in the API?



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Équipe de développement de HubSpot
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

Company domain is null when name is empty

@escrs could you do me a favor and write out your exact get request url?  (minus your hapikey)

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