APIs & Integrations


Capture Screen Size in Hubl

Is it possible to caputure the browser widow/screen size in Hubl?


Is it possible to capture and pass it to Hubl using Javascript?


The following code is what I've tried so far but  Hubl doesn't seem to recognize the javascript.


<script type="text/javascript">
  let swidth = screen.width;
  if (swidth < 1025) {
    console.log("Mobile: Screen width is at least 1025px");
    {% set screensize = "mobile" %}
  } else {
    console.log("Desktop: Screen width is at greater than 1025px");
    {% set screensize = "desktop" %}



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Capture Screen Size in Hubl

I don't think you'll be able to do this. HubL is server side, so it does it's thing before the page loads.

JavaScript is client side, so you couldn't pass something back that way.


What are you trying to achieve with it? Maybe there's a different approach you can take

profile2022aBarry Grennan

Freelance HubSpot CMS Developer

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Capture Screen Size in Hubl

I am trying to capture when a user is on a mobile device or desktop.

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Capture Screen Size in Hubl

I mean, you can do that with plain javascript at it's most basic you could get the window width:

let width = window.innerWidth;
if (width > 768) {
console.log('not mobile');

But as I've said you won't be able to pass that to hubl, that's why I ask what you're trying to achieve.

profile2022aBarry Grennan

Freelance HubSpot CMS Developer

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Capture Screen Size in Hubl

Yes, understood. But Im tryig to find a way for hubspot to recogize mobile vs desktop using hubl possibly without javascrip if possible.

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Capture Screen Size in Hubl

Ok, well as I say you can't do that eith HubL and if you can't share anymore of what yo're trying to achieve we're at a bit of an impass.


I created a module for a client before where the hero video had to be different on mobile and achieved it with this use of javascript and module fields


{%require_js %}
function videoSource() {
    if ($(window).width() < 768) {
    $('#hero-video source').attr('src', '{{ module.background.mobile.video }}');
    $('#hero-video').attr('poster', '{{ module.background.mobile.thumbnail.src }}');
    $('#hero-video source').attr('src', '{{ module.background.desktop.video }}');
    $('#hero-video').attr('poster', '{{ resize_image_url(module.background.desktop.thumbnail.src, 500) }}');                    
{% end_require_js %}



But I couldn't possibly know if that's anywhere near your use case.

profile2022aBarry Grennan

Freelance HubSpot CMS Developer

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