Mär 23, 20236:43 AM - bearbeitet Mär 23, 20237:00 AM
Can't get voicemail MP3 file correctly associated to Call
Hello Community,
I'm trying to associate a recording to a logged call but can't get the right way to do it. Here's the relevant part of my request using POST on /crm/v3/objects/calls:
I tried both `hs_call_recording_url`and `hs_attachment_ids` to attach the file but can't get a call with integrated player on Contact page. A request using `hs_attachment_ids` manages to attach the file but it can't be played directly from the Call tab (but can from the Contacts > Calls page).
Mär 23, 20239:06 AM - bearbeitet Mär 23, 20239:07 AM
Can't get voicemail MP3 file correctly associated to Call
Well, after some more testing, it seems some contacts just won't let the ability to listen voicemail message. I tried to push the same file (with `hs_call_recording_url` param) and it just worked on another contact (and associated deal).