I'm sending a dead-simple request to /crm/v3/objects/contacts/search. There is no query, just a filter. That filter attempts to filter for where the salesforcecontactid either EQ some value or ContainsToken somevalue. It always returns the following error:
{ status: 'error', message: 'There was a problem with the request.', correlationId: '7a48c033-2c70-4198-974a-2a19b652681b' }
If I change the property I'm filtering by to certain other props, it works fine. Is this doable?
Hey, @mikesnare👋 Can you share an example of a request body that is successful and one that is not, please? This helps our community members to understand the issue.
So... this is working now that I'm trying to get an example to show you. I suspect that my earlier attempt to change my hubspot api token env var to switch between a sandbox that does NOT have the property to one that does failed, and I was making requests to the wrong sandbox.