APIs & Integrations


Call dispositions API endpoint doesn't return correct list of dispositions



It looks like https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/methods/engagements/get-call-dispositions endpoint doesn't work as intended. I have deleted a disposition and added 2 additional ones, but this endpoint returns static information.


Screen Shot 2020-05-27 at 21.22.05.png


Api call and response:

GET https://api.hubapi.com/calling/v1/dispositions

{"id":"a4c4c377-d246-4b32-a13b-75a56a4cd0ff","label":"Left live message","deleted":false},
{"id":"b2cf5968-551e-4856-9783-52b3da59a7d0","label":"Left voicemail","deleted":false},
{"id":"73a0d17f-1163-4015-bdd5-ec830791da20","label":"No answer","deleted":false},
{"id":"17b47fee-58de-441e-a44c-c6300d46f273","label":"Wrong number","deleted":false}

Is this a bug or expected behaviour?




9 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Call dispositions API endpoint doesn't return correct list of dispositions

Hello @kmuenze , 

Thank you for the detail. 

I can successfully retrieve the outcomes you listed from the account ID provided using the Get call engagement dispositions endpoint. 

You can add a dispostion (call outcome) to calls using the Create an engagement endpoint. You will need to include the disposition field in the call metadata along with the internal GUID value that corresponds to the Call disposition you want to add. The GUID values are returned in the  Get call engagement dispositions endpoint.  response.

See details here on the overview Engagements documentation and an example below. 

metadata" : {
"toNumber" : "35385111111",
"fromNumber" : "(857) 829-5489",
"status" : "COMPLETED",
"durationMilliseconds" : 38000,
"recordingUrl" : "https://test.url.com/",
"body" : "Hello World",
"disposition": "98b2f2a8-00be-4d4d-ad07-349470e9f233"

Let me know if you have any follow up questions. 

Rahmona Henry
HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Call dispositions API endpoint doesn't return correct list of dispositions

Hello @kmuenze , 
Can you share the account ID and the two new dispositions you added so I can test this for you?
Thank you. 

Rahmona Henry
Teilnehmer/-in | Platinum Partner
Teilnehmer/-in | Platinum Partner

Call dispositions API endpoint doesn't return correct list of dispositions

If it does send back the correct dispositions? Can those dispositions also
be sent along successfully to the engagement API?

Portalid: 6283166

Outcomes: test, muenzetest
Teilnehmer/-in | Platinum Partner
Teilnehmer/-in | Platinum Partner

Call dispositions API endpoint doesn't return correct list of dispositions

I am also experiencing an issue with this. We added two new dispostions but they do not return with a call tohttps://api.hubapi.com/calling/v1/dispositions


Call dispositions API endpoint doesn't return correct list of dispositions

I'm also experiencing issues creating Call Enagements via API due to unrecogized custom Call Dispositions.

However, the default dispositions are working even though I've deleted them. 



Hubspot Settings Call Outcomes.png


Hubspot API Add Call Engagement - Call Disposition Completed.png


Hubspot Add Call Engagement - Disposition Answered.png


HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Call dispositions API endpoint doesn't return correct list of dispositions

Hi @fabian_ivvy and @impor2developer ,

Currently, this is the expected behaviour for the Get call engagement dispositions endpoint . Any custom call outcomes added to an account are not available by API right now.
However, I can confirm that adding the ability to retrieve custom outcomes via API is on our developement roadmap but no release date has been scheduled yet for 2020.


If you have any further questions please don't hesistate to let me know. 



Rahmona Henry
Teilnehmer/-in | Platinum Partner
Teilnehmer/-in | Platinum Partner

Call dispositions API endpoint doesn't return correct list of dispositions

Hi there,

Is there an update for this? I would love to be able to push custom dispostions via the api.


Call dispositions API endpoint doesn't return correct list of dispositions

Hi @rhenry 


Okay thanks for confirming. It would be helpful if the documentation stated that the response is fixed, it currently leads the reader to believe that the custom responses would be returned using terminonolgy like "Example JSON Response" when this is the only response, and "Get the possible dispositions for sales calls" etc. 





HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Call dispositions API endpoint doesn't return correct list of dispositions

Hi @fabian_ivvy , 


Thank you for the feedback. We really appreciate it. I have updated the public documentation with a note on which dispositions are returned right now in the response. This will provide some additional guidance for developers using this endpoint. 


If you get a chance you should subscribe to our Developer Changelog.

Once subscribed you will recieve notifications when we add new APIs or change functionality to existing endpoints. 


I hope this helps, thanks again for bring this to our attention. 


Many thanks, 


Developer Advocate @ Hubspot

Rahmona Henry