APIs & Integrations


Bug with hash symbol in submitted form fields

To reproduce this bug:

1. Create a form with a text field in it, which maps to a contact property (let's call it "address")

2. Create an automated email that includes a link whose URL includes said contact property as a query string parameter (e.g. https://www.mydomain.com/redirectToForm?address={{contact.address}} ). 


Everything works as expected, unless the value submitted for 'address' contains a has symbol (#). In that case, the hash symbol isn't escaped. Let's say the value "#3-276 Second Ave." is submitted as the address. The URL in the email ends up being something like: https://www.mydomain.com/redirectToForm?address=#3-276%20Second%20Ave.


Am I missing something, or does Hubspot need to fix this?

2 Respuestas 2
Equipo de producto de HubSpot
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Bug with hash symbol in submitted form fields

@Bryantworks can you reproduce this?

If so, I can bring to the team to see if this intentional or not

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Bug with hash symbol in submitted form fields

This is still a bug and it's very annoying. It randomly breaks form submissions - not good for our users' experiences! Please reproduce and/or reach out to me for help, and fix ASAP. We pay a lot for Hubspot and I reported this a year ago.