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I am using Zapier to auto create contacts in Hubspot.
However creating contacts and engagements etc. in Hubspot requires an email adress, even though I can create a contact in Hubspot without an email adress.
I have looked through the Zapier forums and it looks like several people have this issue while Zapier is telling them that the integration is managed by Hubspot and that there is nothing they can do.
Currently I am genrating a random email adress to make the integration work, however that leads to multiple other issues where marketing emails etc. will get send to those emails that don't exist.
Hi, @YAydin👋 We have a few low-code/no-code experts in our community. Can you provide any additional details?
For example, what app are you connecting to HubSpot via Zapier?
Are you getting a specific error message?
Can you create Contacts without an email with a Zap using other tools?
I tried a quick test using Google Sheets and HubSpot via Zapier and created a Contact without an email address. And I understand if you are taking a different approach.
looks like you are using "Create Contact in HubSpot", where no email adress is required. However if you use"Create or Update Contact in HubSpot" the email adress field appears as required.
Thanks for clarifying. I do not see a workaround. This Zap, in Zapier itself, indicates it works for email addresses specifically. It gives no indication that it will accept ID or a custom property value.
In this case, adding your suggestion to the Ideas Community and getting some upvotes will be very helpful in getting your suggestion in front of the Product team. If you add a link back to your Idea post, I'll be sure to give it an upvote to help get the ball rolling.