Jul 12, 20246:42 AM - bearbeitet Jul 12, 20246:43 AM
Batch Update Company Requests Failing
I'm sending requests to the HubSpot V3 API's batch update company endpoint (POST /crm/v3/objects/contacts/batch/upsert) and all my requests are failing with a 400 error.
The documentation says to pass an `idProperty`, `id`, and `properties`. My understanding is that the `idProperty` field is optional since I want to update using the Record Id which comes with HubSpot. Documentation for this is here.
When I send it without the `idProperty`, however, I get the following response:
{"status":"error","message":"Updates in a single batch must specify its unique property.","correlationId":"ed172328-5119-4fc2-921d-086655f07403","category":"VALIDATION_ERROR"}
and when I set the `idProperty` to `hs_object_id` to explicity say that I want to use HubSpot's Record Id I get the following error message:
{"status":"error","message":"Unable to perform update/upsert by non-unique 0-2 property hs_object_id in portal ID 9462969","correlationId":"32ae3c0d-34cc-4d1f-ab4e-405529bbc9aa","category":"VALIDATION_ERROR"}
I've gone back and forth for a while on this and feel like I've tried every option. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!