APIs & Integrations


Authentication issue with API V3/V1 - Soucis d'authentification sur API V3 et V1

Hi All,


Since few weeks its look like i have an issue with the Hubspot's API on my Website. i have a bad return authentication when i make a call to the endpoints.


Does anyone have the same issue currently ? Maybe there is an update and something to change in the calls?


Thanks for your answers

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2 Réponses
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Authentication issue with API V3/V1 - Soucis d'authentification sur API V3 et V1

@LMerle , can you be more specific with what you are doing exactly?  What endpoint?  oAuth or hapikey? 

The more info, the better we can help

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Authentication issue with API V3/V1 - Soucis d'authentification sur API V3 et V1

Hi Dennisedson,


So there is more explaination :


It's oAuth, and the root-endpoints for API requests :

https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/contacts pour les contacts

and https://api.hubapi.com/contacts/v1/lists/ pour les lists

there is an endpoint https://api.hubapi.com/oauth/v1/token pour le rafraichissement (regeneration) of the Token with "refresh_token".


Hope is more clear now 🙂 Thanks

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