APIs & Integrations


Associations v4 schema endpoints confusion | How to retrieve name?

Sending a POST request to/crm/v4/associations/{fromObjectType}/{toObjectType}/labels with "label" and "name" in the POST data creates a label to use for associations. What is "name" in this scenario, and how does it differ from "label"?


Sending a GET request to https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v4/objects/contacts?associations=companies returns associations between contacts and companies. The associations/results array includes "id" and "type". Id is the association ID and type seems to be either a standard HubSpot association type or the label "name". Is this correct?
      "associations": {
        "companies": {
          "results": [
              "id": "6277896643",
              "type": "contact_to_company"
              "id": "6266951100",
              "type": "contact_to_company_unlabeled"
              "id": "6277896643",
              "type": "contact_to_company_unlabeled"
Lastly, why does sending a GET request to
not return the created label name?
"results": [
    "category": "HUBSPOT_DEFINED",
    "typeId": 0,
    "label": "string"
Is the label "name" only used when creating a label and when sending a request to https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v4/objects/{fromObjectType}?associations={objectTypes}

Are clients supposed to give labels a "meaningful name"? Most importantly what is the difference between it and "label"?
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Associations v4 schema endpoints confusion | How to retrieve name?

Hi, @AB35 👋 Are you still having challenges here? If so, I am happy to help with any remaining questions.





Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot

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Associations v4 schema endpoints confusion | How to retrieve name?

Apologies since I can see no other replies, I would like help with any of the questions I made above.
Kind regards

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