APIs & Integrations


Append to a contact property?


I would like to append to a contact’s property vs overwriting it. How can this be done? I’d rather not make a separate api call to get the contact’s current property value only to turn around and make another api call to update it with data I compose locally. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Thank you

1 Soluciones aceptada
Exmiembro de HubSpot
Exmiembro de HubSpot

Append to a contact property?


Hi @jamjud34,

It’s not currently possible to append a value or option to a property on a contact record. We do keep a record of any previous values, and those historical values can be used in lists and workflows, but if you need to append and keep the current values, you’d need to pull the existing value, append your new value, then update the contact with the full updated list of values.

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11 Respuestas 11

Append to a contact property?


Hey there, is there any update regarding this issue?

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Colaborador | Partner nivel Platinum
Colaborador | Partner nivel Platinum

Append to a contact property?


@Derek_Gervais @samlucas 

Do we have an update for this in 2022?


Append to a contact property?


I'd like to know this as well please.

Equipo de producto de HubSpot
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Append to a contact property?


Hey @Melly2022 ,
  Sorry about the delay in this, I never got an alert on your first reply back.  At this time, we don't have a way to set this up for a form submission by default, this will overwrite any previous property values.  Derek mentioned before a known workaround for this, utilizing the property history to gain access to the current values, add in the new values and then update the contact with the full list of values.


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Asesor destacado

Append to a contact property?


Still looking for a solution to solve this issue..

Equipo de producto de HubSpot
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Append to a contact property?


Hey All!

Samantha here from HubSpot support.  When you are making the API call to append more values to a property, in order to not have to retype everything you would want the value section to start with a


and then the next desired value.



I hope this helps!

Asesor destacado

Append to a contact property?


Hi @samlucas  how would this work in the scenario i posted above when someone submits a new form - how can i ensure that it appends that property and not completely replace?

Asesor destacado

Append to a contact property?


This is absoloutly a huge issue for us!  we have many products and product lines and when a customer submits a new form it overrides the data that is there and pushes the current to the history which is not searchable when building lists and makes it very hard for targeted marketing!


Being able to select if we want to append the property OR update the property in a workfow for example would be fantastic!  I know I have seen apend somewhere I dont recall where though.

Exmiembro de HubSpot
Exmiembro de HubSpot

Append to a contact property?


Hi @jamjud34,

It’s not currently possible to append a value or option to a property on a contact record. We do keep a record of any previous values, and those historical values can be used in lists and workflows, but if you need to append and keep the current values, you’d need to pull the existing value, append your new value, then update the contact with the full updated list of values.

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Append to a contact property?


What about with Operations Hub? How can you append a value with ops hub

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Append to a contact property?


Can you please let me know how do i pull the existing values and append new values in curl and php.

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