APIs & Integrations


Api search contact by email in php - invalid json

Hi there,


I use this api doc - https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/api/crm/contacts

at the bottom we could see last function for search, where we should be able to get contact by email, but for some reason we always get response Invalid input JSON on line 1


Code generated with example params - is not a valid php code - https://i.imgur.com/P6zmRfv.png


We cant insert this to project, and when I try to change that to row, or json_encode() params - I always get response about invalid Json


Pls advice


Thank you,


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5 Respostas 5

Api search contact by email in php - invalid json

Hi there,


seems I found soution in this article and using php curl



Thank you,



Api search contact by email in php - invalid json

Hi there,


code from my screen is not my code - thats code form hubspot documentation, and I see same syntax error.


And yes, I tried to refactor code to move filter to array and json_encode them, but in this case we always get response from api like this - 

 [400] Client error: `POST https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/contacts/search?hapikey=xxx` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response: {"status":"error","message":"Invalid input JSON on line 1, column 17: Cannot deserialize instance of `java.util.HashSet` (truncated...)


This is I write here. Code in documentation is not valid, and when I try to refactor it to json I always get error.

any other ideas?


Thank you,


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Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Diamante
Especialista reconhecido(a) | Parceiro Diamante

Api search contact by email in php - invalid json

HI @VladTit ,

I've recreated your code and it generates the following code:


use HubSpot\Factory;
use HubSpot\Client\Crm\Contacts\ApiException;

$client = Factory::createWithApiKey("YOUR_HUBSPOT_API_KEY");

$publicObjectSearchRequest = new PublicObjectSearchRequest(['filter_groups' => [{"filters":[{"value":"test@test.com","propertyName":"email","operator":"EQ"}]}], 'sorts' => ["email"], 'properties' => ["email"], 'limit' => 10, 'after' => 0]);
try {
    $apiResponse = $client->crm()->contacts()->searchApi()->doSearch($publicObjectSearchRequest);
} catch (ApiException $e) {
    echo "Exception when calling search_api->do_search: ", $e->getMessage();


If I throw this in Visual Studio code, I get the following error:
Schermafbeelding 2021-09-17 om 21.45.01.png


I checked the code, but the JSON is incorrect that is passed in "filter_groups". I am not completely sure, but I think it should be refactored to something like this:



use HubSpot\Factory;
use HubSpot\Client\Crm\Contacts\ApiException;

$client = Factory::createWithApiKey("YOUR_HUBSPOT_API_KEY");
$filters = array(
  'filters' => array(
      'value' => 'test@test.com',
      'propertyName' => 'email',
      'operator' => 'EQ',
$publicObjectSearchRequest = new PublicObjectSearchRequest(['filter_groups' => json_encode($filters), 'sorts' => ["email"], 'properties' => ["email"], 'limit' => 10, 'after' => 0]);
try {
  $apiResponse = $client->crm()->contacts()->searchApi()->doSearch($publicObjectSearchRequest);
} catch (ApiException $e) {
  echo "Exception when calling search_api->do_search: ", $e->getMessage();


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Api search contact by email in php - invalid json

@VladTit ,

Any chance you could copy the generated json and post it here?

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Api search contact by email in php - invalid json

Hi Dennisedson,


you could see code in Teun comment

this is exactly that I checked

1) from hubspot documentation

2) tried to refactor it to be correct json file - alway get response that json is not valid


Thank you,


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