Api - Problem to set property hs_email_headers on incoming Email Object
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I am using Ruby gem hubspot-api-client for my integration. (I am pretty new to Hubspot integration as well as Ruby and Ruby on Rails.)
Below is a code snippet where I am updating the Contact, Company and Email objects. The Contact, Company and Email objects get created successfully, all the associations also get created. The only issue is the Email headers not showing correctly.
def save_to_crm
contact_association = []
if company_name?
company_body = {associations:[], properties:{"name":company_name, "domain": company_website}}
company_api_response = crm_client.crm.companies.basic_api.create(body: company_body)
if company_api_response.id
contact_association = [{"types":[{"associationCategory": "HUBSPOT_DEFINED", "associationTypeId":1}], "to":{"id":company_api_response.id}}]
contact_body = {associations:contact_association, properties:{"firstname": first_name, "lastname": last_name, "email": email_address, "company": company_name}}
contact_api_response = crm_client.crm.contacts.basic_api.create(body: contact_body)
if contact_api_response.id
email_association = [{"types":[{"associationCategory": "HUBSPOT_DEFINED", "associationTypeId":198}], "to":{"id":contact_api_response.id}}]
if company_api_response.id
email_association[1] = {"types":[{"associationCategory": "HUBSPOT_DEFINED", "associationTypeId":186}], "to":{"id":company_api_response.id}}
email_header_hash = {"from":{"email":email_address, "firstName":first_name, "lastName":last_name}, "sender":{"email":email_address, "firstName":first_name,"lastName":last_name},"to":{"email":"info@mydomain.com", "firstName":"Info", "lastName":"MyDomain.com" }, "cc":[], "bcc":[]}
email_body = {associations: email_association, properties:{"hs_email_direction": "INCOMING_EMAIL", "hs_email_subject": "Website Contact Us Page - Contact", "hs_email_text": message, "hs_timestamp": Time.now.utc.iso8601, "hs_email_headers": email_header_hash.to_json}}
email_api_response = crm_client.crm.objects.emails.basic_api.create(body: email_body)
def crm_client
return Hubspot::Client.new(access_token: Rails.application.credentials.dig(:hubspot, :API_KEY))
The form used to capture the data:
Resulting Company record:
Notice the data highlighted in yellow.
Company, Contact and associations updated correctly but the email header details are blank.