APIs & Integrations


Any restriction for Public Apps developed using UI Customisation (Beta)?

We are developing a public app using Hubspot - UI Customzaition (Beta). We are using huspot.extend - React component and developing that app. We want our app to be placed in Hubapot Marketplace and also to be used by all without any restriction.

Do we restict on Hubspot portals for apps developed using UI Customiztion (Beta)? Do any portals need to enable settings to install UI Customisation - Beta developed app? Any restriction on listing in Hubspot Marketplace?

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Any restriction for Public Apps developed using UI Customisation (Beta)?

Hi @NKumar32 and welcome, we are delighted to have you here! 🎉

Thank you for asking the HubSpot Community!

I'd like to share this documentation "App Marketplace listing requirements" that might help you!

Let me know if you have any questions, I'll be glad to help!

Thanks and have a great weekend!


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