APIs & Integrations

Ancien salarié HubSpot
Ancien salarié HubSpot

Announcing a new definition for the archivedAt endpoint response value

We want to share that the archivedAt API response value has a new definition for most endpoints. Previously, a bug caused archivedAt to return a timestamp showing when the object was last modified. Recently we began instead to return the timestamp of when the object was actually deleted.


Note that this change is not yet in place for the contacts endpoints. We'll reply here when these endpoints have been updated.


Note also that deleting an object has never updated its last modified time, and that continues to be the behavior with this change.

2 Réponses

Announcing a new definition for the archivedAt endpoint response value



Is there any update to this issue? We are still getting the previous `lastmodifieddate` in the `archivedAt` for the /contacts endpoint.


A resolution on this would be highly helpful.



0 Votes

Announcing a new definition for the archivedAt endpoint response value


Have you any new information about an update?


Best Regards