APIs & Integrations

Alunos da HubSpot
Alunos da HubSpot

Announcing a change of behavior for the “prev” paging response value

When returning a large amount of data, HubSpot endpoints frequently employ a paging mechanism, where a subset of the response data is returned, along with a paging object. This object contains information about how to get new pages of information.


Currently, our endpoints always return a prev value in that paging object, even if there isn’t a previous page. In these cases, prev has a value of null, which is accurate, but unnecessary.


Starting on January 25th, 2021, we will only include the prev value when there is in fact a previous page of data to return. For this to be the case, the endpoint must support reverse paging, and the current page can’t be the first. In all other cases, the prev value will be omitted from the paging object in the response.


If you have any questions about this change, please comment here on the forum thread.

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