There is a question raised when trying to integrate Matomo with HubSpot: where is the HubSpot analytics data stored actually?
I am trying to create reports in HubSpot based on Matomo analytics data. I have access to Matomo API and I can pull necessary data from there. However I don't know where should I store that data in Hubspot to be able to create analytics report and dashboards. One example of data is Page views and bounce rate per day/per week where the number of pages is about 500.
Any opinion on this matter is grately appreciated!
The analytics data is seperate to the HubSpot CRM records.
Each web analytics "profile" or record has a unique ID that is stored in a cookie in the users brower (cookiename is hubspotutk).
HubSpot will use email tracking pixels (in emails sent from HubSpot) and the hubspotutk session cookies that are ingested with HubSpot from submissions (or via HubSpot forms API) to link a contact to a web analytics profile. The contact's timeline then gets updated with clicks, visits etc, and dome of the data is used to populate certain records on the contact object e.g. original and latest source.
As far as I know you can't access or write to the analytics data directly. You would need to export HubSpot data and Matomo data into an external system (snowflake) to feed a seperate reporting engine. Alternatively you could try and add a custom object for web sessions and hold the data there, but at that point you are almost building your own analytics package.
Hi @qadfgdrtgsvfsad. No I was not able to implement this solution. My searches ended up admitting that HubSpot doesn't have neccesary infrastructure for such solution.