APIs & Integrations

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Access invoices data via API


Hello everyone!


As of February 28, 2023, the Accounting extension API has been deprecated.

We need to access the invoices data via API, as we were able to do in the past: could you please suggest to us any way to do it?


Thank you in advance,


Ignazio Morici
Marketing Manager @power2Cloud | HubSpot Certified Trainer | Co-host @EMEA HubSpot Certified Trainers Subgroup

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Access invoices data via API


Hi @Ignazio,


I know this isn't a great solution, but it's been a nice workaround while waiting for the API enpoints to get built. If you go to the invoices page and export all invoices, you could paste into something like a Google Sheet and use Zapier's new/updated row trigger. Then, you can use looping to go through all new/updated rows. This is a solution I set up to sync invoices from HubSpot to Xero. Right now, the marketplace integration only goes from Xero to HubSpot.



If anyone is interested in learning more about the HubSpot to Xero zap I mentioned, just send me an email: ryan@whimpact.co


I haven't set this up but there's also the ability to trigger a workflow in HubSpot from invoice properties such as Status = "Paid". This might solve some use cases for people too.

GIF Recording 2024-02-21 at 3.58.45 PM.gif



Ryan Schweighart

Whole Hart Impact, LLC


I help businesses with HubSpot and Zapier.

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Access invoices data via API


Any updates on this? We have a client working on an integration project who would benefit greatly from the ability to create & update invoices via the API (right now it is read only). 

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Access invoices data via API


Hey @kristinaP 👋 I found a Private Beta for creating invoices via the API. It may be available in either your portal or your customer's portal. Because it is a Private Beta, portals will need to request access and then be approved by the owning product team:

CleanShot 2024-11-13 at 12.05.37@2x.png

I hope this helps! — Jaycee

cc: @Ignazio @PatOfCle @RSchweighart @AArseni6 


Jaycee Lewis

Developer Community Manager

Community | HubSpot


Access invoices data via API


Hey! Thanks! Great to hear that! 😎What I need is to pull the invoices from an ERP and transfer them over to Hubspot and it seems to cover this scenario. I will see if this beta object can handle this part. Thank you for looking into it! I've requested access and I will see how it goes.

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Access invoices data via API


Hi  and thank you so much for sharing!

Our problem is to get data from invoices, not to create them: that API library will not help 😞


There’s still not a solution at the moment since, as i discovered during these months, invoices are not a fully functional object in HubSpot (so they are limited in functions)

Ignazio Morici
Marketing Manager @power2Cloud | HubSpot Certified Trainer | Co-host @EMEA HubSpot Certified Trainers Subgroup

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Access invoices data via API


Hi @Ignazio,


Do these endpoints not allow you to get the information you need from invoices?



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Access invoices data via API


Invoicing is such a fundamental function and a prime need for integrations. The API should totally include access to the invoice object, which already exists. 


Something I don't understand is why they would allow line items to be created via the API but not invoices. Totally inconsistent on Hubspot's part. 


If anyone does find a fix for this, would be much appreciated; doing an integration myself right now. I can create line items without a problem, but linking them to a parent invoice does not seem like an option via the api. Any help would be appreciated. 

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Access invoices data via API


Hi @Ignazio,


I know this isn't a great solution, but it's been a nice workaround while waiting for the API enpoints to get built. If you go to the invoices page and export all invoices, you could paste into something like a Google Sheet and use Zapier's new/updated row trigger. Then, you can use looping to go through all new/updated rows. This is a solution I set up to sync invoices from HubSpot to Xero. Right now, the marketplace integration only goes from Xero to HubSpot.



If anyone is interested in learning more about the HubSpot to Xero zap I mentioned, just send me an email: ryan@whimpact.co


I haven't set this up but there's also the ability to trigger a workflow in HubSpot from invoice properties such as Status = "Paid". This might solve some use cases for people too.

GIF Recording 2024-02-21 at 3.58.45 PM.gif



Ryan Schweighart

Whole Hart Impact, LLC


I help businesses with HubSpot and Zapier.

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Access invoices data via API


Hey there! Has this been resolved in the meantime? Any ideas?

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Access invoices data via API


Im having the same issue i need to access invoice data as well as create invoices is there any selution yet 

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Access invoices data via API


Hi @hershyH, nice to meet you. HubSpot support suggested us to do it via CRM cards but it seems it doesn't work. I'm in contact with them and will update you here! 

Ignazio Morici
Marketing Manager @power2Cloud | HubSpot Certified Trainer | Co-host @EMEA HubSpot Certified Trainers Subgroup

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Access invoices data via API


Hi @Ignazio, did you end up finding a solution? Thanks!

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Access invoices data via API

I recently had a talk with HubSpot as of now there is no API to do this but they are working on one to come out somewhere next year
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Access invoices data via API


Hi @CharlieL and @hershyH! Thank you for joining the conversation 🙂


I must clarify one point regarding my scenario. The invoices in my HubSpot account come from an integration with QuickBooks (QBO). This integration also uses HubSpot's "CRM Card" functionality to work.


Keeping this in mind, I just received this reply from the support: 


"There currently is no functionality available to get invoices through our API directly. The reason is the CRM Card invoice function uses a third-party's API and webhooks to pull the data into HubSpot. The data isn't actually stored within HubSpot.

In the case of the QBO invoice CRM Card the invoice we link to is pulled directly from QBO (the source of the invoice file/record) and not stored in HubSpot. You could use QBO's API to GET the invoice by ID. The team have heard this feedback and is aware this is a customer painpoint."


Hope this will help you too!

Ignazio Morici
Marketing Manager @power2Cloud | HubSpot Certified Trainer | Co-host @EMEA HubSpot Certified Trainers Subgroup

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Access invoices data via API


Thank you Ignazio for taking the time to post the response you got in this thread!


It seems we are using the exact same integration. While it is too bad that the information isn't available by API, it makes perfect sense once you know that it isn't actually stored in HS but actually pulled live from QBO. 


Thanks again!

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Access invoices data via API


Hi @CharlieL!

Thank you for beying part of the conversation and for your help 🙂


If my last comment was helpfull for you, please mark it as a solutions for the other users too.

Ignazio Morici
Marketing Manager @power2Cloud | HubSpot Certified Trainer | Co-host @EMEA HubSpot Certified Trainers Subgroup

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Access invoices data via API


Hi Ignazio,


You can check: https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/api/crm/quotes

Here you can get access to the quotes of HubSpot

Vet Digital

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Access invoices data via API


Hi @TDwebdev and thank you for your quick reply!


I need to access the invoice object. Here you have some reference: 


I don't think the quotes API will help me.

Ignazio Morici
Marketing Manager @power2Cloud | HubSpot Certified Trainer | Co-host @EMEA HubSpot Certified Trainers Subgroup

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Access invoices data via API


Try this endpoint: https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/{objectName}/{objectId}

Vet Digital

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Access invoices data via API


Hi @TDwebdev,

We're having the same issue as @Ignazio. When trying to call Invoices through the https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/{objectName}/{objectId} endpoint (with the corresponding objectName), we're getting the same message: 

The scope needed for this API call isn't available for public use. If you have questions, contact support or post in our developer forum.


Any further help would be super appreciated!




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Access invoices data via API


Hi @TDwebdev and thank you again! 


This is the reply I have from the API call: 

The scope needed for this API call isn't available for public use. If you have questions, contact support or post in our developer forum.

Ignazio Morici
Marketing Manager @power2Cloud | HubSpot Certified Trainer | Co-host @EMEA HubSpot Certified Trainers Subgroup

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