APIs & Integrations


API data limit for contact custom properties


Hi Team,

I am using an API to fetch the contact properties from hubspot. This also includes custom contact properties. I wish to know if there is any response limit or the endpoint. When hit I couldn't see one or more properties. Can someone please help ?

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Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum

API data limit for contact custom properties


Hi @SurveySparrow 


Yes API requests have limits for Private Apps. It is not broken down by endpoint, but by request rate and total daily requests.


You can read more here: https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/api/usage-details


- Zach

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Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum

API data limit for contact custom properties


Hi @SurveySparrow 


Yes API requests have limits for Private Apps. It is not broken down by endpoint, but by request rate and total daily requests.


You can read more here: https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/api/usage-details


- Zach


API data limit for contact custom properties


Hi @zachh,

Thanks for the quick response. So does this mean that I am not able to fetch a particular custom property may not because of any response limit right ? Because each time I am getting other contact custom properties but not this one. So if it was due to a daily limit I wouldn't have got any response instead 429 error code right ?

0 Avaliação positiva
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Platinum

API data limit for contact custom properties


Hi @SurveySparrow 


The 429 responce code is a rate limit. It's more likely a limit to the rate at which you are trying to pull the properties, rather than the daily limit. You can check on your daily limit in Settings under Integrations -> Private Apps if you want to be sure:


But most likely it's exceeding the 10 second rate limit.


- Zach

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